Thanks for checking out my blog! My name’s Charlotte and I’ve been a travel enthusiast since 2019. I work full-time and use a combination of annual leave, bank holidays and flexi-time to embark on as many adventures as possible. Over the years of being a student, a full-time employee and a travel lover I’ve learnt the very best ways to travel on a budget, maximise time and truly enjoy adventures around the world. It has never mattered to me how many people find this blog, or read about my trips, this is a space that holds my very own digital travel journal that I look back on often.

Budapest, 2021

In 2022 my goal was to visit 6 different countries for no real reason other than I think it sounded cool, I managed to achieve 7! Most of my adventures happen with my lovely boyfriend, Haydn, he pushes me to do things I never thought possible, like the 5 day Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu 2023

My favourite places visited so far have been Miami, Reykjavik, Machu Picchu and Copenhagen! Each one is very different from the others but they really stand out to me. Miami just has the coolest vibe, I love the city and beach combo. Reykjavik quite literally feels unreal, the incredible landscape, massive waterfalls and just general atmosphere are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Machu Picchu, is one of the wonders of the world and that trip pushed me outside of my comfort zone in ways I’d never thought I was capable of. Copenhagen had a great feel to it and was somewhere I could see myself living if I were ever to move abroad.

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